Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week Ending Nov. 21 2010

Here's an overview of our progress this week:

Unfortunately the shop had to close early on Thursday so we didn't get as much done as we'd hoped.  Then on Friday in the shop something went awry when making the side pillows for the MCM and the axle holes are two hundredths too high.  To fix this we have two options:

A.  Restart and make two new pillows.

B.  Shave the bottom of the pillows to effectively lower the holes.

In the name of time we're going to try option B tomorrow in the shop.  Assuming that goes well we'll be ready to assemble the baseplate of the MCM.

On a brighter note here are some of the parts that we've completed thus far:

The base plate with the MCM holes prior to counterboring.

The front motor mount.

The side pillows.

The worm gear in the toggle arm.

Stephen hard at work.

The chassis as of Wednesday.  The side pillows will be located over the side holes.

Also this weekend, we have completed the SolidWorks module for the entirety of the SlotBot.  The scoring arm structure has been finalized as well as the cart module.

This week will be a push to get all of the parts completed, but from here on out it is a straight shot since all the design work is complete.

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